Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Random Thoughts and Pet Peeves

You know, since I have been home during the day, I have seen some TV that I have not had time to watch in a very long time. There are some shows that are funny, and don't get me wrong when I watch TV or go to a movie, I like to be entertained; But, for a long time now I have seen TV shows especially undermining the family and especially the Father role. This really, really ticks me off big time! I see show after show where the wife is the only smart one, and very smart alec to the Dad in front of the kids, which in turn causes the kids to view the Dad as some dumb, stupid moron to be made fun of. And the kids do just that! And what does the Dad do, just take it. We don't see any Wild at Heart examples on TV. That is not God's plan. Girls, don't for a moment think that what you see on TV is the way it is supposed to be, don't model that, that is not God's heart! Read Song of Solomon, get Tommy Nelson's CD's and listen for the practical knowledge of what God has intended between Husband and Wife and the family as a whole. Guys, don't take it! Don't settle for the TV example. You are a warrior at heart, God made you that way! You are the head, to be the Priest of the home! Ephesians 5:20-33. Society may tell you that is not the way it is today, but God never changes, His word never changes. It is still as valid and relevent as it ever was. Believe it or not, there are still some of us girls that do still want it God's way! There are still those of us who want the guy to be Wild at Heart, be the priest of the home, take the lead and the headship. I truly mean it! Not just saying it to hear ourselves talk, but we really mean it! Does that mean we will still get exasperated with one another, still not understand one another at times, still have to work through difficult times.......you bet! But the Whole package God has intended it so worth it! Let me hear from you and what you think! Please don't tell me that you guys like for these girls to treat you like dirt.....put you down and pretty much act like a "witch". I see so many girls doing that to their guys and I can't comprehend it. You know the bible tells us out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.......
There are things in my life that are changing. There are certain ministries that I have been a part of for a while. My role has been diminishing for many months now, but it is a God thing. God is getting me ready for the next stage, next chapter in my life. Moving forward to the next adventure. Wherever I go, whomever He has me with, the one He gives my heart to; I want to make an impact for Jesus and walk in the destiny he has for us. Serving God makes you flexible. I am used to change, some has been overnight, some has been very slowly. It could be missions, music, serving, praying for others....I'm flexible. One thing I do know, my heart is so about Praise and Worship. I truly love to worship Him, I love to harmonize and sing His praises. It has been in me for the past 12-13 years to be not only a follower of Christ, but to be a worshipper of Christ and to lead His people into His presence, into the throne room of God. That holiest of holies where you stand in awe of Him, in His presence where you are totally abandoned to Him and He can then do the things in us that He needs to do.....Surrendured.
I love being outside in the sunshine. I love nature, hiking, horseback riding, canoeing, volleyball, kickball, the mountains, the water, I love it all. I so enjoy the handywork of God. We have had some beautiful weather for February. Today is so pretty. The flowers will be coming soon. I love flowers. I love the stars and just sitting out there looking at them and talking to my Lord....my best friend. I can tell Him everything and He listens and talks with me too. That is something that I want in a husband.....a best friend.

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