You know I love the Eldredges, God has used them, among others, to minister to me at this point in my life. I could post another excerpt from one of their books, but, I wanted to share about the heart, from my heart. Sitting here at my computer, listening to the shuffle of songs and messages that have played; "Atlantic" Keane, "Amazing Grace" Tree63, "Love is the Reversal" Starfield, "Head Home" Midlake, "I Love You" Massive, "The Favor Factor" TD Jakes, "I Hope You Dance" LeAnn Womack, "There is Nothing Like" United, "In This Camp" Midlake, "Lesson One" Lylas, "Concerning the UFO Sighting" Sufjan Stevens, "My Desire" Jeremy Camp, "Let It Flow" Jeff Deyo, "Somewhere Only We Know" Keane, "Seven Swans" Sufjan Stevens, "The Finish Line" Snow Patrol, "In The Name of Love" U2, "Track 13" Mute Math, to name a few. (Side note: listening to Sufjan Stevens is just a musical feast for the senses!) Anyway, back to the heart.
It is key, central, the focal point for our existence in every way, at the very center of who we are. What is the first thing God deals with when we are drawn to Him to be saved, to make Jesus Lord of our life? The Heart. What is the first thing that is touched when we see someone hurting and want to help......the Heart. What can soar and sing when we see the face of and hear the voice of the one we love...........the Heart. It is the foundation, if you will, of our existence and yet seems to be so overlooked. Do we dare explore the depths of it? Because if we do, we will find things there that have been buried, or hidden for far too long, and we will have to deal with it. But deal with it we must or else we will never get to the fullness of life that God wants us to walk in. If we dare to explore its depths, we will find ourselves getting "real" with God. Admitting to Him, and to ourselves, those long overlooked desires, longings, adventures and realness that we know is there, but do not quite know how to walk in; so we just leave it there......dormant, untapped. But guess what? It keeps knocking, and keeps knocking, and you hear the voice that says "Let me out. Don't lock me away, don't ignore me, I am suffocating in here! I know there is more out there than what I have in here. Let me out so we can allow God to take us to it, to go find it, to experience everything He has made us for! Let's walk in the destiny He has for us." The Sacred Romance is taking place. He is wooing us, He really is. I can vouch for that.
I have found the more that I have explored the depths of my heart, the more intimate I have become with God, the more "real" I become with Him, the greater the desire has become. The desire to be a part of one great adventure after another, to be right in the middle of what God is calling me to do, right along side the one He is calling me to accomplish it with. Destiny being fulfilled. God is calling us to believe Him for the impossible, to believe Him for more than where we are, for more than what we know. To believe Him for supernatural miracles that so many need. He NEEDS us to go to the next level in HIM. He NEEDS us to complete His work, to walk in all that He has called us to do, and in doing so, we will experience great adventure after great adventure, with Him as our guide. Now that's life! That's living! He has caused a Revolution in my life over the past year, one that has changed me from the inside out! (love that song by United). I am not the same person I used to be.....Praise God! Life is a process and our Heart walk is a process.
I am not an expert, I can only share what the Lord has shared with me to hopefully encourage and be a blessing....so, I Choose Life, I Choose Love, I Choose to Trust Him, I Choose Blessings, I Choose the Joy of the Lord which is my strength, I Choose to Believe Him for the Impossible, I Choose to be a vessel that He can work through, I Choose to be a Blessing. I Choose to Get Real with Him, I Choose to allow Him to change me in every way He wants and needs to. I Choose to give my Heart to Him.....He knows how to take care of it and He knows who to give it to.