Saturday, September 20, 2008

It Appears Sensible To Opt Out

Wow, today's devotional. It says a lot. It is so true that we tend to do this "becoming our own directors and playwrights at least promises a level of control over the script." We want to control so much, and God is saying, 'I have a bigger picture than you can see, if you will just let go and give the control to Me, I already have the smash Broadway play written for your life! I already have the book written...and it's good, it's right, it's my plan for you. There is joy there and if you just let go, just surrender, allow Me to guide you into the bigger play, the bigger picture, it will come together, and then you will see...' and truly then we will say to The Lord "Why did I ever doubt you, how could I have ever thought I knew better."

"At one point in the long, arduous campaign of delivering to Judah the bad news of coming judgment and futile calls for repentance, Jeremiah explodes with thoughts that have apparently been building in him for a while with regard to God’s use of him:

O Lord, you deceived me, and I was deceived;
you overpowered me and prevailed.
I am ridiculed all day long;
everyone mocks me.
Whenever I speak, I cry out
proclaiming violence and destruction.
So the word of the Lord has brought me
insult and reproach all day long.
But if I say, “I will not mention him
or speak any more in his name,”
his word is in my heart like a fire,
a fire shut up in my bones.
I am weary of holding it in;
indeed, I cannot. (Jer. 20:7–9 niv)

Jeremiah complains that not only has God written a play that casts him in a devastating role, but that he has also placed a fire in his heart that will not let him leave the play even if he wants to.

…Faced with the Message of the Arrows and a part too big that God the Cosmic Playwright insists is ours, with little clarity on the meaning and relationship of our scenes and character to the larger play, it appears more than sensible to opt out and go off-Broadway. Even though the smaller plays we write are often just pieces of stories, becoming our own directors and playwrights at least promises a level of control over the script. We hope we can eliminate most of the relational unknowns along with the villain and live in our smaller stories with some modicum of peace and quiet.

What is this drama God has dropped us into the middle of? What act of the play are we in and what do our scenes have to do with the larger story being told?" The Sacred Romance

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Interesting article

I had my eyes opened to some things recently. I have been "listening" to what is being said around me from many different directions. I keep hearing a theme. People have been coming to me from many different facets of life and through their unprompted sharing, have spoken volumns to me. More confirmations from the Lord on so many things He has been teaching me. Since the movie is coming out in a couple of weeks that I blogged about, I thought this article was interesting that was in my email today. Many of these points reminded me of some things I needed to remember....thought I would share it with others.

"Are you ready for a relationship that is going to lead somewhere without you being led on? It's time to start weeding out the commitment phobics and put your time and effort into men that are looking for the kind of relationship you want -- one that has a future. If you're interested in getting married, ignore these at your own risk. Here's what to look for:
1. His friends are married
If you are interested in a guy, check out his friends' left hands to see if they have wedding rings on.
Research has show that if his friends are already married, he's more likely to get married.
Research has show that if his friends are already married, he's more likely to get married. If all of his friends are still single and in the "party-with-the-boys" phase, that's a bad sign.
2. He's financially secure
Studies show that men who own a home are more marriage-ready. A man who is generally financially stable, and has his ducks in a row, feels marriage is a practical next step for him.
3. He pursues you
The guy who is commitment-ready is going to initiate doing things with you. If you're emailing him and he takes days to email you back, if you have to text him to find out where he is, if you are always calling him, you're chasing a man who's probably not marriage-material.
4. He's willing to wait
Yes, research is telling us what we already know: If a guy gets to know you before getting intimate, he is more likely to commit.
5. He watches DVDs with you when you're sick
Taking care of you when you're sick shows that this guy isn't just in it for the fun and sex. If he wants to be with you in bad times, it's a sign he's in it for the long haul.
6. He gets to know your friends and family
A guy who is thinking long-term wants to truly get to know you. Seeing you interact with your family and friends helps him learn where you come from and more about who you are. The flip side of it is that he will also want you to get to know him! He'll want to see if you fit in with his family and friends. A guy who keeps you separate from the important people in his life is just playing around.
7. He says, "we" instead of "me"
When he switches from "me" to "we", that's a sign he's committing to you at a deeper level. If your guy is all, "I", "me", and "my" instead of "we" and "us" in conversations after you've been dating a while, his mindset is still in single guy mode.
8. He's not afraid of compromise

A commitment-ready guy is going to ask your opinion, consult you about decisions he needs to make, and has the ability to meet you half-way.
A commitment-ready guy is going to ask your opinion, consult you about decisions he needs to make, and has the ability to meet you half-way. A bull-headed guy who needs everything his way or it's the highway, isn't ready for the compromise that's naturally part of a mature relationship.
9. He doesn't need excuses
Commitment-phobic guys always have an excuse about why they can't be with you on Saturday night, why they didn't call, and why they aren't ready for a relationship right now. A commitment-ready guy doesn't need excuses, he just needs you.
10. He likes being in a long-term relationship
Some men like being in a monogamous relationship and some don't. The sooner you realize and accept this the better. If he complains all the time about needing space, treats you like a giant burden instead of a gift, and keeps talking about taking things slow, he's telling you he's not ready for a commitment. On the other hand, if he's done with the party scene, enjoys your "couple time" together, and has a strong sense of family, you've found a commitment-ready guy."
Caroline Presno, Ed.D., P.C.C.,

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Over Flowing

Where do I start? So much has been happening this past several weeks. A new church, a writing class, filming in the studio, Sisters of Ruwanda (now known as 8Keza which means "Beautiful"), movies, Shakespeare in the Park, stacking wood :-), new places in The Lord, the county fair, awesome worship, new revelation, new classes, God promotions......Wow, I could go on and on. We're moving into a new place....spiritually and in the physical. You can feel it, see it, taste it....things are not the same, not what they used to be. No more same old same old....there is a stirring, a fire, an expectancy, an excitement, a knowing of what God is doing and about to do in the body of Christ. Revival is happening around the world. And in and through all of this, Jesus is showing himself strong in us, showing Himself in a new way to us and confirming His word every step of the way. We are entering into that rest, the rest where we cease from our labor or work, and truly trust and follow Him into what He has called us to. It's not an arrival, but the next level, the next step, following Him into the unkown if you will, neverthless, it's very real....exciting and scary.

There is a new movie coming out that was dropped into my email today from a friend. I hope everyone will go to see it. I have already bought tickets to go. See the trailer on my home page. It is very, very good and to see something like this, that is so near and dear to my heart, be released into the main stream theatre/media is just another thing The Lord is up to. In a time, like no other, when marriage, God's plan for marriage, is under such an attack from every side, here comes this movie. The timing is no mistake, just like The Passion of the Christ and it's release. It's no coincidence that a new class at church is starting in 2 weeks on Building Strong Marriages, or that I have been drawn to read Song of Solomon (no easy feat). I haven't read Song of Solomon in a long while, and that has been on purpose. It is easily the most erotic book written on marriage, courting, sex, make up sex, fighting fair, God's plan on how to do it right. Not easy to read when your single and don't have the mate to go to and...let's say.....put into action what you've just learned......hmmmm? Yea, you know what I mean (bow chica bow wow, chica bow wow).

Anyway, I have been wanting to blog for a couple of weeks and have been.....'productive' in so many area's that I have not had the time to do it. I have been reading a lot of things, Song of Solomon, Prophecy from MorningStar ministry, Captivating, some from Wild At Heart, Esther (I just love her), Ruth (another favorite), listening to new Worship music and messages from church, The Scene. And through all of this, God has been leading me, teaching me, a common thread woven throughout...........marriage, relationships, are not black and white, not cut and dry, not perfect. He is teaching me that there are many facets, many sides to it and many facets and many sides to each of us. Sometimes we will be pursued, and sometimes we will pursue (Song of Solomon Chapter 6 where they have a fight, he leaves, she pursues, she perfumes the bed, prepares it....why? Make up sex.) In the beginning of this book, she is pursued by The Beloved, romanced, wooed if you will. But something I noticed this time, they both have words of encouragement and building each other up, especially to their friends. Not backbiting or talking behind each others back, but she is telling her girls when they ask "What is your beloved any more than another beloved?" Oh my, have you seen her response..Chapter 5 vs 10-16. She is raving about her man. "Chief among ten thousand...his eyes, his cheeks, his lips, his hands, his legs....Excellent as the cedars. She says he is altogether lovely and she finishes this talk by saying "This is my beloved, and this is my friend." She know's who he is to her, she is assured of him and his love and she can't say enough about this amazing man God has given to her. And don't even think about saying anything against her beloved or it's Zena Warrior Princess time! But look in Chapter 6 vs 4-10 at what The Beloved has to say about his woman "you are beautiful, lovely, awesome as an army, my dove, my perfect one." You get the picture. But the point here is not that this relationship is perfect, what they were saying to each other at this point was after they had fought. The movie "Fireproof" gives a similar message....even if you have fought, argued, disagreed, don't leave your partner behind....God will make you stronger and closer with every thing that you go through. Committment is what you see in Song of Solomon, in this movie 'Fireproof". It's so easy to walk away, it's so easy to say I can't do this anymore, because most are doing that. But God is calling us back to a higher level, a new beginning, a new committment, a fresh anointing on marriages. The relationship can and will be better than ever, and He needs us to be the examples instead of the statistics. To show a lost world that it can be done through Jesus, that it can be a taste of heaven on earth as God intended. Yea it takes work, it takes putting the other person before yourself.....but that's true love, God's love.

We all want to be loved and cared about, nothing wrong with that at all. But when we do pray for God's best for each other, then we are loving at a higher level than our little understanding. None of us are perfect and we're all in process and that's OK. It takes the pressure off when we can trust God and know His very best for us is manifesting around us daily in every area of our lives. That we are walking in His will and our destiny...Wow.