Sunday, March 02, 2008

Glorious Weekend....

I was in East TN this weekend and it was the most wonderful weather! I was so happy to see the sunshine. My parents and I took a ride in the new car God has blessed me with and I stopped and took some pics along the way. It was so beautiful. God was showing out today, giving us a taste of Spring and Romancing us. It was Glorious! The thought of Spring is exciting itself. I rings of all things new, everything blooming, new life, fresh starts, old things are passed away and all things become new. Love is in the air in the Spring as well. Just watch all of nature.

1 comment:

Bree said...

i love your blog and PHOTOS! I will bookmark yours and check back often. You can check mine out too. I have some photos listed on mine too. I just love what God has gifted us with in nature. Much too beautiful to let it go unseen. Trees, animals...EVERYTHING! God bless you sister!